diet - Homeo Cure Healing Bodies, Transforming Lives Wed, 07 Aug 2019 10:42:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Can Acidity Be 100% Cured ? Sun, 23 Sep 2018 10:28:23 +0000 Acidity or acid reflux is a very common condition in India. It occurs due to excess production of acid by the glands of the stomach. Acidity causes signs such as a heart burn, ulcer in the stomach, dyspepsia and gastric inflammation.

The post Can Acidity Be 100% Cured ? first appeared on Homeo Cure.


Acidity or acid reflux is a very common condition in India. It occurs due to excess production of acid by the glands of the stomach. Acidity causes signs such as a heart burn, ulcer in the stomach, dyspepsia and gastric inflammation,

The stomach secrets acid to breakdown the foods for digestion process in normal condition. There are some protective mechanism are present in the stomach and intestine against acid secretion. The imbalance between the acid secretion and protective mechanism causes acidity. Acidity is characterized by deep burning sensation after consuming heavy meal. Sometimes constipation and indigestion also present. The common symptoms which occur in acidity are nausea, indigestion, burning sensation in the stomach and throat, sour taste in the mouth, and constipation.

Causes of acidity:

  • Excessive stress and anxiety
  • Consuming too much alcohol
  • Excess smoking
  • Eating spicy and non-vegetarian food frequently
  • Medical condition like peptic ulcers, gastro esophageal reflux, stomach tumors etc.

Some home remedies to prevent acidity:

  • Milk: Cold milk helps to maintain PH balance and hence reduce your acidity.
  • Banana: It contains natural anta acid which helps to relive acidity.
  • Almonds: It neutralizes the juices, in your stomach leads to reduce acid levels.
  • Apple cider vinegar: It has natural alkalizing properties, which helps to reduce acidity problems.

Changing your daily habits like avoiding spicy and oily food, smoking, eating meal every 3-4 hours will definitely help you to reduce acid formation.

Homeopathy treatment on Acidity or Acid reflux:

Homeopathy treatment for acidity cures the acidity permanently. It not only cures the acute but also the chronic type of acidity. The antacids which you are taking have temporary effects on the acidity and slowly you get habitual for it. This is something you need to be carried throughout your life. If you forget to take antacids for single day, you feel burning in stomach for all the day.  The natural food list, we discussed above helps to manage acidity somehow temporarily.

Homeopathy in contrast gives you permanent cure, by treating the problems from its roots. Homeopathy medicine strengthen the sphincter at the junction of the esophagus and stomach. This prevents the reflux of acid into stomach and throat, leads to cure of the acidity permanently.

Homeopathy treatment has a holistic approach while treating the disease. Homeopathy medicines are natural and doesn’t have any side effects or toxic effects on the body.

Homeopathy medicine helps to remove the underlying cause of the disease leads to permanent cure of the problem. While choosing the homeopathy medicine, every aspect of the patient get into consideration, which helps to find appropriate medicine for the patient.  Homeopathy has more than 200 medicines for acidity. Below are some examples homeopathy medicines, which help to cure acidy.  But for effective results and permanent cure, you should visit homeopathic consultant, self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Homeopathy medicines:

Nux vomica*: This is very popular homeopathy medicine to cure acidity. It is useful when person is suffering from acidity and constipation. Who is habitual for coffee or tea.

Carbo-veg*: This medicine is useful when person is suffering from acidity along with gases.  Excess belching is also present.

Arsenic album*: The medicine is useful when there is severe burning in stomach and also heart burn due to acidity.

(*self-medication is strictly prohibited)

The post Can Acidity Be 100% Cured ? first appeared on Homeo Cure.

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Is Ketogenic Diet Harming Your Body? Sat, 26 Aug 2017 09:58:42 +0000 We will be discussing today about the various effects of low carb diet on our body.  Diet which includes low carbohydrate, high protein and high fat […]

The post Is Ketogenic Diet Harming Your Body? first appeared on Homeo Cure.

We will be discussing today about the various effects of low carb diet on our body.  Diet which includes low carbohydrate, high protein and high fat intake, is popularly known as keto diet.

First we are going to discuss, how exactly it works in weight loss process.  Generally, our daily diet contain maximum portion of carbohydrate. After taking food, our body produces insulin and glucose. Glucose is a primary source of energy in our body, for doing any kind of activity.  Body uses glucose from carbohydrates as a fuel for different kind of physical work.  When there is an excess amount of glucose than needed, 2 things happens.

  • Glycogenesis: unused, excess glucose get converted in form of glycogen and stored in liver and muscles
  • Lipogenesis: if there is enough glycogen present in your muscles and liver then any extra glucose get converted into fats and stored.

When we take low carb or ketogneic food, our body doesn’t get any option other than depending on fats for energy. When we consume ketogenic diet, our body starts to use stored fats by breaking it and taking glucose from it. The strategy behind keto diet is to use excess, unwanted stored fat from the body to get calories for energy instead of using calories from carbohydrates, which leads to fat loss.

Myths about keto diet:

  • Weight loss from low carb or ketogenic diet is only water loss. It is not real:

In initial phase of ketogenic diet some of the weight loss will be water loss. Because when we change our diet routine from high carb to low carb diet, body gets busy to adapt it. Cutting carbohydrates intake causes decrease in the level of blood, sugar and insulin which leads to excess water and sodium, which is dumped by kidney out of the body. However after few days body completely get depend on fats for fuel instead of carbohydrates cause rapid fat loss which leads to weight loss.

  • High fat, ketogenic diet causes heart diseases and blocks in your arteries:

There are various misconception about heart diseases. One of them is that – cholesterol and saturated fat level causes heart diseases and arteriosclerosis.  There is not any proof regarding cholesterol and fat level which actually affects the heart condition.  Low carb diet actually helps to lose weight faster than any other without affecting the cardio vascular condition. In fact according to various studies, high carb diet along with high insulin and sugar level are responsible for various heart diseases.

  • High protein diet causes damage to the kidney:

First thing I want to clear here that, low carb or ketogenic diet is not high protein diet but it is a high fat diet. The diet contains high fat with moderate amount of protein. The person who is healthy and doesn’t have any kidney disease, can take high protein diet and it is perfectly safe. There are various researches and evidences are present regarding this.

  • Ketoegenic diet causes ketosis which is very dangerous:

People get confused between the ketosis and ketoacidosis. It is the ketoacidosis which is dangerous not ketosis. So what is the exact difference between two? Ketosis is a controlled insulin regulated process, which produces little amount of fat and ketones in case of fasting or in low carb diet.  Ketosis is a normal metabolic state of the body, when person get low carb diet or person is in fasting. In ketogenic diet, body uses fat as a fuel, when glucose level is low in the body. It is a completely safe because metabolic process unless you are diabetic, lacking insulin or you are raging alcoholic. Well formulated, Ketogenic diet is not dangerous at all because it is regulated by insulin within the body.

In contrast ketoacidosis is a condition occur due lack of insulin in the body, it generally happens in the diabetic patient. Lack of insulin or extremely low level of insulin rise high sugar level and also stored fat streams from the fat cells, results in to abnormal and excessive production of the ketone bodies. The combination of high sugar level along with high ketones causes imbalance of acidic or base level within the body, which is very dangerous.

  • Low carb diet causes muscle wasting:

This misconception got spread because of the half knowledge of trainers and nutritionist about muscle preservation. They will tell you that, brain requires 100 grams of carb per day, and if you don’t fulfil that need then your body will breakdown your muscle to get it. It is only true in the cases where insulin and sugar level are high with high carb diet, and there are no ketones available, as an alternative source of brain fuel. But the person who adapted ketogenic diet, ketosis provides fuel in form of ketone bodies for the brain, and requirement for glucose reduced to only 40 grams per day. This amount can easily make out by body, through consuming glycerol (from the breakdown of fatty acids) and from dietary products.

The person who is on low carb diet or on keto diet, have great retention of muscle mass than person of high carb. Because due to high carb diet, some of the protein get displaced which would have helped them to retain muscle mass.

The post Is Ketogenic Diet Harming Your Body? first appeared on Homeo Cure.

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