Weight loss - Homeo Cure https://homeo-cure.com Healing Bodies, Transforming Lives Thu, 13 Aug 2020 17:31:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Build Your Weight Loss Strategy During Pandemic https://homeo-cure.com/weight-loss-strategy-during-pandemic/ https://homeo-cure.com/weight-loss-strategy-during-pandemic/#respond Wed, 13 May 2020 16:29:44 +0000 https://homeo-cure.com/?p=1038 Covid-19 lockdown has disturbed our lives enough to causes gain weight, especially for the people who are obese and have weight gain tendency. It is very easy to gain weight during the pandemic, especially if you are spending most of your time at home.

The post Build Your Weight Loss Strategy During Pandemic first appeared on Homeo Cure.


Covid-19 lockdown has disturbed our lives enough to causes gain weight, especially for the people who are obese and have weight gain tendency. It is very easy to gain weight during the pandemic, especially if you are spending most of your time at home. Delicious food recipes have been trending on Google now a days. So as staying -at-home restrictions ease up, people are becoming concerned about “COVID curves” and the “Quarantine 15”.
There are reports that some people are losing weight but there are many who have gained five, 10, and even 30 pounds.

Why weight loss is necessary ?

Losing weight is very important thing for everyone, as weight gain affects you both on physical and on mental level.

Should you just go easy on yourself right now? It’s a question that cross everyone’s mind. A lot of people when get certain weight, they start to have problems like reflux or joint pain.

If you are still in a normal weight range, an extra 5 to 10 pounds may not make a significant impact on your health. But if you are overweight or obese, losing 10% of your weight can give you positive impact on conditions like heart disease, joint pain fatty liver disease.

It is a good time (as you have more time) to assess your lifestyle and focus and prioritize on all the things that keep you healthy and fit.

Woman showing cellulite on her belly, on white background

Weight loss strategies:

  1. Set you daily routine- your wake up time, sleeping time. Make to do list and cooking plan of the day too. Get dress up daily though you are doing work from home, as  if you are wearing loose fitting clothes every day, it is easier to ignore weight gain.
  2. Mind your eating- eat in salad plate instead of dinner plate. Drink 1 glass of water and check after 15 minutes weather you are really hungry. Eat protein food first as eat will control your excess intake of carbohydrates.
  3. Regular exercise routine- as social distancing many people are not going to gym or grounds. But you can do other exercise like hiking, yoga or follow online workout programs. Regular exercise helps you to lose weight and it is good for your mood and joint pain also.
  4. Manage your stress- seating at home in this lockdown is very stressful for everyone. But you can manage your stress by doing yoga, meditation and positive affirmations. Exercise and long walk also helps you to reduce stress as your body secrets cortisol which boost you up.
  5. Renew your interest in food and cooking- as in lockdown many people are making varieties of comfort food. You can use your cooking skill to make healthy dishes. Include vegetables, whole grain food, fresh fruits, salads, protein food in your meal. Avoid bakery foods, sweets, pastries, chips when you are doing shopping.
  6. Proper sleep at night- as for sleeping for 6-8 hours at night is important for body.  According to many researches, people who sleep less than 6 hours at night have weight gain tendency.

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LCHF Diet For Diabetic Patients https://homeo-cure.com/lchf-diet-for-diabetic-patients/ https://homeo-cure.com/lchf-diet-for-diabetic-patients/#respond Tue, 16 Oct 2018 08:17:34 +0000 https://homeo-cure.com/?p=878 Low carb high fat is very useful for Diabetic patients as it helps to improved health and also helps to reversed diabetes along with weight-loss. That’s why it is highly recommended by doctors and nutritionist.

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Low carb high fat is very useful for Diabetic patients as it helps to improved health and also helps to reversed diabetes along with weight-loss.  That’s why it is highly recommended by doctors and nutritionist.

So guys you must be thinking that how this diet has so much benefits and works so well for Diabetics? Well during digestion, the carbohydrates broke down into sugar which causes elevated sugar level. In Diabetic patients, enough insulin doesn’t produce or there is lack of insulin to reduce these elevated sugar levels, before it causes damage to the internal organs.  Hence restricted carb intake helps to reduce sugar level and insulin level effectively, leads to reverse and helps to treat Diabetes 2 in the most effective way.

Eating high fat and high protein diet helps to keep hunger at bay. Various studies shows that, your calorie intake is very less in LCHF diet compare to your normal low fat diet routine. Hence people you don’t have to worry about calories during LCHF.

LCHF diet also helps to increase good HDL levels and reduces triglycerides and LDL levels. It also helps to reduce resistance to the Leptin (it also called Obesity hormone) along with lowering blood pressure. It also keep your gut healthy. For diabetics, it is very much useful as it reduces inflammation of the body along with improving dental health.  So people you must have realized that, there are lots of benefits of LCHF diet along with healthy weight- loss.

I am giving you list of foods which you should include in your Diet and which you should restrict from the diet.

The foods you should include in your diet are:

All kind of fish and shellfish and fatty fishes like machrel, sardines. Avoid bread crumbs and coating on it.

Include meat in diet like beef, pork, poultry meat like chicken, turkey, mutton.

The foods you should include in your diet are:

  1. All kind of fish and shellfish and fatty fishes like machrel, sardines. Avoid bread crumbs and coating on it.
  2. Include meat in diet like beef, pork, poultry meat like chicken, turkey, mutton.
  3. Vegetables: preferably who grows above the ground like, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli, drumstick, okra, radish, mushroom, cucumber, tomatoes, zucchini, Egg Plants, olives, all types of gourd and all kind of green leafy vegetables?
  4. Dairy products like high fat cheeses like cheddar, mascarpone, cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, butter.

Foods to avoid during LCHF are:

  1. Grain and starches: like pasta, rice noodles
  2. Sweeteners: sugar, honey and maple syrup
  3. Drinks: like juices, cold drinks, soda, sweat tea, sport drinks etc.
  4. Alcoholic beverages: like bear, wine and various cocktails are very much high in carbs.
  5. Fruits: please avoid fruits other than berries. You can have small portion of berries in your diet.
  6. Highly processed and junk food: like French fries, burgers, donuts etc..

Homeo-Cure thus helps Diabetic patients to have proper healthy diet, so that they can increase their metabolism and immunity. Proper diet plans with macros will give you a balanced diet which will help you to attain your objectives be it a weight-loss or a healthy & fit body. The Diet plans also helps you to reduce fats and lower the cholesterol level.

So, Book your appointment now.

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International Women’s Day – Time to decide what is more Important !! https://homeo-cure.com/international-womens-day-time-to-decide-what-is-more-important/ https://homeo-cure.com/international-womens-day-time-to-decide-what-is-more-important/#respond Thu, 08 Mar 2018 18:09:59 +0000 https://homeo-cure.com/?p=754 A woman’s life has been loaded with responsibilities leaving out the purpose of living behind many curtains. Be it a decision of having children or having […]

The post International Women’s Day – Time to decide what is more Important !! first appeared on Homeo Cure.

A woman’s life has been loaded with responsibilities leaving out the purpose of living behind many curtains. Be it a decision of having children or having a healthy and fit life, it has all been based on circumstances.

International Women’s Day is an opportunity to focus on the dreams you always wanted to follow. Having said that, with lots of responsibilities levied on a woman, most of them have not taken care of themselves to lead a healthy life. As per Survey 8 out of 10 women have developed stress and fats related diseases and are succumbed to heart & blood pressure problems. Acne and other skin problems may also develop during this course.

So, this women’s day I would like the women to pledge for a better health, fit body and lower stress. Survey tells us after pregnancy most of the women do not try to shred extra fats due to their busy schedule. This extra fats, lack of sleeps often leads to stress related diseases.

Homeo-cure has designed exercise as well as diet plans for those who wants to loose fats without compromising their busy schedule, with its easy to follow diet plans and 10 mins of exercise per day.

Book an appointment with us to get a better tomorrow.

Happy Women’s Day

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Find out whether you are Fat? https://homeo-cure.com/find-out-whether-you-are-fat/ https://homeo-cure.com/find-out-whether-you-are-fat/#respond Tue, 29 Aug 2017 21:40:32 +0000 https://homeo-cure.com/?p=649 Obesity is nothing but an excess amount of body fat.  It is a chronic condition. Some amount of body fat is necessary for the various functions […]

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Obesity is nothing but an excess amount of body fat.  It is a chronic condition. Some amount of body fat is necessary for the various functions of the body.  Over weight and obesity are two terms that may sound similar, but there is difference between them. These terms can be differentiated by majoring BMI level of the person. BMI means body mass index. It is calculate by person’s height and weight.  In obese people BMI level is above 30 and in overweight people BMI level is between 25-29.9 ranges. To achieve healthy or normal weight, people should have BMI within the range of 18.5-24.9.

According to latest study, India has the second highest number of the obese children in the world after china. And globally over 2 billion people both adults and children are suffering from various health issues related to obesity. This condition is very alarming. Obesity is becoming an epidemic issue now.

Both obese and overweight people are at risk for developing health problems like heart disease, stroke, gout, gallbladder disease, diabetes and various types of cancer. Being overweight can also cause problems like sleep apnea and osteoarthritis. Individuals who are obese are at risk of developing serious medical conditions. Following is the list of obesity related diseases.

  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  • Various type of cancers

Obesity is produced due to imbalance between the calorie intake and calorie burning. If calorie intake is more than calorie burning then periodically remaining calories get converted into fat.

Weight Loss vs Fat Loss:

Most of the people relate fat loss to weight loss, but these two are different in process with different outcomes. There are many factors which increases the weight of a body.

Water is the most important component in increasing the weight of the body. Lesser intake of water means the body tends to retain water to balance it when in scarcity thereby increasing the weight of the body. Most Diet tries to drain the water from the body resulting in the weight loss, but fat percentage remains the same as is the danger of getting fat related diseases.

Meal Supplements are also marketed as a part of weight loss products where a person has to replace their meal with the weight loss supplements resulting in the instant weight loss. But there isn’t any fat loss as the body first tries to breakdown the carbs and when the carbs in the body is low, it tends to break down proteins for energy resulting in the valuable muscle loss.

Hence, we should try to go for fat loss programs and not the weight loss process. Fat loss can only be achieved by exercise as well as proper diet with defined Macros. We should always remember the fact that fat loss can be achieved gradually with proper observations of fat loss percentage by experts through regulated diet, proper lifestyle and exercises. We should not attempt to go for regular fasting or other means which could spike the insulin level which could let the body to store more fats.

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