Urticaria or hives is a skin rash which appear as red well circumcised, elevated patches on the body. It is the allergic reaction to medicines, insect bites, psychological stress, some food items, cold temperature etc. In many conditions cause remain unknown.

Risk factor: asthma and hay fever


  • Appearance of slightly raised, pink or red, circular or oval or worm-like patches on the skin.
  • These hives will occur alone or in a cluster, or form together larger patches.
  • They usually itch or burn with a stinging type of pain.
  • Swelling sometimes subsides among twenty four hours at one spot however could seem at another spot together with different symptoms of Hives (Urticaria).
  • The patient gets hives on every occasion he/she is exposed to 1 or additional “triggering agents”.
  • Chronic hives will last for months or perhaps years along.
  • In some individual rash comes on same part, which is generally immovable. This kind of rash called fixed urticarial.
  • Sometimes there is involvement of deeper layers of the skin causes formation of thick firm patches with swelling of affected parts. This stage called “angioedema”.
  • Sometimes, there’s affectionateness of the deeper layers of the skin resulting in development of enormous, thick firm patches with vital swelling of the affected elements. This condition is named “angioedema”.


Autoimmune cause in 50% of cases.

Allergic reaction to insect bites, medicine, food items, soaps, chemicals, colors, sunlight etc.

Homeopathy treatment:

Homeopathy treatment help to regulate the hyperactive immune system. It helps to calm down it without suppressing like allopathic medicines. It remove the problem from its roots. Homeopathy treatment decrease the intensity, frequency and acute attacks of urticaria. It decreases the itching and rash and treat urticarial completely.