Low carb high fat is very useful for Diabetic patients as it helps to improved health and also helps to reversed diabetes along with weight-loss. That’s why it is highly recommended by doctors and nutritionist.
So guys you must be thinking that how this diet has so much benefits and works so well for Diabetics? Well during digestion, the carbohydrates broke down into sugar which causes elevated sugar level. In Diabetic patients, enough insulin doesn’t produce or there is lack of insulin to reduce these elevated sugar levels, before it causes damage to the internal organs. Hence restricted carb intake helps to reduce sugar level and insulin level effectively, leads to reverse and helps to treat Diabetes 2 in the most effective way.
Eating high fat and high protein diet helps to keep hunger at bay. Various studies shows that, your calorie intake is very less in LCHF diet compare to your normal low fat diet routine. Hence people you don’t have to worry about calories during LCHF.
LCHF diet also helps to increase good HDL levels and reduces triglycerides and LDL levels. It also helps to reduce resistance to the Leptin (it also called Obesity hormone) along with lowering blood pressure. It also keep your gut healthy. For diabetics, it is very much useful as it reduces inflammation of the body along with improving dental health. So people you must have realized that, there are lots of benefits of LCHF diet along with healthy weight- loss.
I am giving you list of foods which you should include in your Diet and which you should restrict from the diet.
The foods you should include in your diet are:
All kind of fish and shellfish and fatty fishes like machrel, sardines. Avoid bread crumbs and coating on it.
Include meat in diet like beef, pork, poultry meat like chicken, turkey, mutton.
The foods you should include in your diet are:
- All kind of fish and shellfish and fatty fishes like machrel, sardines. Avoid bread crumbs and coating on it.
- Include meat in diet like beef, pork, poultry meat like chicken, turkey, mutton.
- Vegetables: preferably who grows above the ground like, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli, drumstick, okra, radish, mushroom, cucumber, tomatoes, zucchini, Egg Plants, olives, all types of gourd and all kind of green leafy vegetables?
- Dairy products like high fat cheeses like cheddar, mascarpone, cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, butter.
Foods to avoid during LCHF are:
- Grain and starches: like pasta, rice noodles
- Sweeteners: sugar, honey and maple syrup
- Drinks: like juices, cold drinks, soda, sweat tea, sport drinks etc.
- Alcoholic beverages: like bear, wine and various cocktails are very much high in carbs.
- Fruits: please avoid fruits other than berries. You can have small portion of berries in your diet.
- Highly processed and junk food: like French fries, burgers, donuts etc..
Homeo-Cure thus helps Diabetic patients to have proper healthy diet, so that they can increase their metabolism and immunity. Proper diet plans with macros will give you a balanced diet which will help you to attain your objectives be it a weight-loss or a healthy & fit body. The Diet plans also helps you to reduce fats and lower the cholesterol level.
So, Book your appointment now.