It is the digestive disorder in which stomach acid flows back to the tube connecting esophagus and stomach. It causes irritation to the lining of esophagus. Acid reflux or heartburn refers to the burning sensation felt behind the sternum (retrosternal burning) due to the back-flow of stomach acid into the food pipe.


  • Burning sensation in the chest mostly eating after.
  • Sensation of lump in throat.
  • Regurgitation of food or sour liquid.
  • Chest pain.
  • Difficulty in swallowing.
  • Bad breathing
  • Bloating of the stomach
  • Burning in throat


In normal condition when we eat food, the lower sphincter of esophagus get relaxed and food enter into the stomach. Once food enter into the stomach the esophagus sphincter get closed. But in GERD due to some reason this sphincter relaxes or became weak which causes back-flow of acid from stomach into esophagus.

Risk factors:

  • Pregnancy
  • Hiatus hernia (it is the bulging of top of the stomach into diaphragm).
  • Obesity
  • Delayed stomach emptying
  • Connective tissue disorder like scleroderma

Factors which aggravates the condition:

  • Overeating or taking meal at late night
  • Some drinking beverages like coffee, certain alcohol, tea
  • Smoking
  • Some medications like painkillers
  • Stress, anxiety.

Homeopathy treatment:

Homeopathy has an excellent success rate in the treatment for GERD. Homeopathy medicine prevents relapse of GERED and also reduces intensity of attacks. As GERD mostly causes by stress, strain and wrong life style, homeopathic medicine reduces stress and anxiety thus decreases acid reflux in the patient. Homeopathy treatment is natural and doesn’t have any side effects. Holistic approach of homeopathy treatment helps the patient to cure completely in most quickest and gentle way.

Homeopathic medicine:

There are more than 100 medicine for GERD treatment in homeopathy. Following are few examples:

  • Phosphorus: patient have bloated feelings in the stomach. Patient has thirst for icy cold drinks which patient vomits out after getting warm in stomach. Vomiting and belching of undigested food.
  • Natrum phos: sour taste in mouth and sour belching of undigested food. Yellow discoloration of the tongue. This remedy is useful when patients get complaints after eating fatty food.
  • Arsenic album: there is burning in stomach and burning pain in throat due r o acid reflux. Patient drinks drink water in small amount frequently.


*note: self medication is strictly prohibited.